domingo, 21 de octubre de 2018

Blog's essay

Nowadays, our lives had changed due to the arrival of internet, cell phones and computers. These devices are part of our lives and we use them all the time, but what we have not realize is that technology can contribute to many different kinds of activities, not only leisure, but also for study. Learning does not take place only in classrooms anymore and the technology is turning into an important part in our educational system. Having this in mind, there are hundreds of applications which can be used in order to improve learners’ skills. One of the most well-known are Kahoot, Plickers, Duolingo, Google Docs, among others. However one of the technologies which I liked the most and that can provide several benefits inside and outside the classroom is blogging. According to this, Oliver (2016) defines blog as a “social media tool that allows one to share ideas with authentic audiences and to engage those audiences in conversation. Most blogs look something like journals, with a series of “posts” appearing on the blog in reverse chronological order” (p.1). Moreover, this tool can be used individually or collectively and the members can talk or discuss any topic they want, there is no restriction.
Although it is commonly believed that the use of technology inside the classroom might be not taken seriously, it is evident that the advantages of blogging for educative purposes are diverse. As far as I am concerned, the implementation of blogs in classrooms is completely beneficial, not only for students, but also for teachers. In my experience, using a blog during this semester let me improve my writing skill, due to the constant materials that I had to produce every week, including descriptions, opinions and reflections. Furthermore, blogging exposed me to more diverse viewpoint when I had to comment my classmates’ blogs, increasing my commitment to writing and thinking. Apart from what I mentioned before, there are some authors who support the usefulness of a blog inside the classroom. In this way, Roth (2008) explains that blogging “enables students to interact with assignments in ways they would not be able to on a closed discussion board, traditional paper or in-class discussions” (p. 2). On the other hand, Oliver (2016) indicates that  “the capacity of blogs to support multiple forms of media (images, videos, links, and so on) can help students bring creativity to their communication” (p. 1). Lastly, Brescia & Miller (2006) point out that “unlike the face-to-face small group discussion where students have to respond immediately, the blog allows for time to synthesize information and develop personal approaches or responses to material” (p. 50).  

Personally, as a prospective teacher, I would definitely use blogs in my classes, and I would apply it in my current practicum due to their context. I am doing my practicum in an eighth-grade level, in the Colegio Pablo Neruda in Valparaíso, which is a public school. They are 18 students and their level of English is basic. Due to this, most of the students feel frustrated when they have to express an idea, opinion or comment in English.  

According to this, students will feel free while writing their opinions, comments, and reflections, because they will have plenty of time, and also they could look up for any word they do not know. In addition, they will be improving their writing skills and their critical thinking unconsciously. It is important to mention that the use of blogs will not only be beneficial for those students who cannot express their ideas in English, but also for those who are shyer and struggle every class in order to speak in front of the class.

During the semester, I have noticed that they do not feel frustrated or disappointed because they do not have a clear opinion about a specific topic or because they have not developed their critical thinking. They have this attitude because they feel pressed to answer a question in English. According to this, the implementation of the blogs in the classroom would help students to deal with this issue.

In this way, I would change only the last section of my classes. At the beginning of the class, I would present the new vocabulary or make a review of the last class as always. Then, they would do some activity in relation to the new content. However, at the end of the class instead of asking them their opinions and reflections about the content, I would ask them to write it in their blogs.

As a conclusion, I can say that blogging should be part of the curriculum due to the benefits and advantages mentioned before. If the Ministry of Education incorporates this in the classroom more participatory and interactive classes would be evinced. In addition, good results in terms of writing would be seen. As was mentioned before, blogging improves content, word choice, style and language mechanics in learners.

Lastly, I think that as society we should all change our minds in order to stop thinking that technology must not be used in the classroom. This is a stereotype that should be erased from people’s thought. Students can learn more and better when using phones, computers, applications and blogs, as long as it is implemented in the right way.  

  • Brescia, W., & Miller, M. T. (2006). What’s it worth? The perceived benefits of instructional blogging. Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education, 5(1), 44-52.
  • Oliver, J., (2006) & Class, I. What is a blog?.
  • Roth, J. (2008). Blogging in the classroom: Technology, feminist pedagogy, and participatory learning. Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice, 32(2), 80-91.

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018

Blended learning

The coming of modern times is something that has brought varied benefits for our society. However, this can be a double-edged sword when referring to the education field, due to the advantages and cons of technology. According to this, a good way of dealing with technology inside the class is using blended classroom. 

According to Smythe (as cited in Graham, 2006; Garrison & Vaughan, 2008) Blended learning means "employing a variety of media and methods, most often a mix of online and face-to-face learning. However this combination is subject to a range of permutations in technologies, pedagogies and contexts" (p. 2).

Personally, I think that blended classroom is important to the language learning due to the effectiveness that it has on students' performance. In addition, this technology not only improves this, but also students' attitude towards learning. This is because of the combination of two factors, the face-to-face and the online classes. The use of these two would not have the same results as if they were used separated. 

 Nevertheless, using blended classroom might have some limitations. One drawback that I can identify is that we as teacher can not know whether students are reading, watching or studying the material that is being uploading. Another limitation is the need of internet. Today most of the students have internet connection at their home; however, we can not assume that every student have access to internet, even inside the classroom.

Video: "What is blended learning?"
Channel: Frederic Skrzypek

  • Smythe, Michael. "Blended learning: A transformative process." National Tertiary Learning & Teaching            Conference. Retrieved from http://akoaotearoa. ac. nz. 2011.

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018


Nowadays, using technologies inside the classroom is essential and in some cases mandatory. According to this, during this course of study, I have known several technologies and tools related to enhancing skills in EFL classroom. However, I have realized that gamification, which is using games for educational purpose, is one of the most important tools in terms of improving English skills through technology. 

Games are one of the best techniques that a teacher can use in their classes to achieve the goal of teaching English because, while students play, the learning process is unconscious and they acquire new knowledge and vocabulary in a fun and easy way. Gamification will be exciting no matter the students' age, it can be used with children or adults. 

Nevertheless, in the Chilean context gamification is not the most used technique. In fact, in most classrooms, the only 'technology' that is used is a powerpoint presentation or an audio. For this reason, I think that gamification should be developed and used more frequently in this context. To be honest, using gamification is not only beneficial for students, but also for teachers. Due to the size of the class in most Chilean schools, it is hard to work with each student, however using gamification simplifies this task because most of the games are made for working with big groups. 

Apart from avoiding students' boredom, this tool is perfect for improving the four English skills. Gamification can incorporate games in which someone is speaking, or the other way around, in which students have to speak in order to level up. In addition, they will have to read the instruction and also write when is required according to the game.

In terms of drawbacks, the implementation of Gamification inside the classroom requires resources, that in most cases are not financed by the school's authority. On the other hand, it requires a good internet connection so as to carry out the gamification activity.

Video: "How does gamification works?"
Channel: Techquickie

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

Google Docs

Google Docs is a real-time tool of collaboration and creation of documents. In this application, various users can edit a document at the same time. In addition, they can see each other’s' changes instantaneously. Users can produce text documents, slide presentations, spreadsheets, drawings, and surveys. It is also a free web-based and files can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection.

Google docs is an important tool in the language learning field because let students to write freely in terms of spelling due to the smart spell checker, which provide students with convenient writing support right on the page.

On the other hand, feedback has always been important in the learning field. For this reason, Google docs is relevant in this area due to the opportunities that students have of receiving immediate feedback on their writing. This feedback can be done not only by their peers but also by the teachers in the 24/7 classroom.

In terms of drawbacks, there are not much. The only limitation that I can identify is the limitations that most applications and technologies have, which is the need of a good internet connection.

Video: "Google Docs: una guía rápida"
Channel: WWWhatsnew

domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2018

Whatsapp as a learning tool

Whatsapp is a free application for smartphones which uses the internet to send messages, images, audio or videos. It can also be used on various platforms such as iPhone and Windows smartphones, and Mac or Windows PCs.

Despite WhatsApp is an application which is for our everyday life, it can also be used in the Education field. If teachers take advantage of this application, it can perform an important role as a learning tool. According to this, teachers might use WhatsApp in their classes so as to improve students' speaking skills.

 An oral presentation can be asses through this application. In this way, students who do not like speaking in front of the class can overcome their anxiety by being able to prepare an audio file on their own and send it to the teacher when they feel comfortable about it. It can also be very useful for teachers because, in the case of large classrooms, they can offer opportunities for personal assessment through their audio files, being a good way of keeping track of students' progress.

In terms of limitations, Whatsapp as a speaking tool cannot measure all the areas of an oral presentation such as body language or visual contact. Another limitation is the establishment's policy regarding the use of cell phones during classes. 

At least in Chilean classrooms, it is common to see that the use of technological devices is not allowed. In addition, it can not be assumed that all the students possess a cellphone because although that is very common to have technological devices nowadays, there are still a number of people who do not possess smart devices, due to economic or personal reasons. Finally, the teachers' privacy and a bad connection to the internet could interfere in the correct implementation of this tool.

Video: "Whatsapp in Education"
Channel: Izyani Hj Mistar  

sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

News in level

News in Levels is an online news site specially made for English students. In this webpage, each article is written in three levels, from basic to advanced so the same news can be read in different words, allowing students to work with texts appropriate to their current skill. It also provides a video of the news where the reader can listen to it and key vocabulary explanation. 

The implementation of this tool in the class can be very important and useful because of the different levels that contain. According to the Chilean context, in most of the schools, the majority of students have a low level of English and only a few of them dominate the language. In this way, teachers when using this tool can differentiate the class without having to change the texts. Students can read the same news according to their own level. The idea is to encourage students from level 1 to read more advanced versions of texts over time. 

News in levels not only fosters the language learning in students learning new vocabulary but also develop reflection. As a class teacher and students can discuss and give opinions about current world issues, improving their critical thinking. This would make the activity more meaningful.

The use of News in level should be complemented with other activities made by the teacher. For example; the teacher can show images related to the news in order to let students predict what the text will be about. Or they can listen to the video without reading the text so as to distinguish what they can understand of it and after this, they would read the text having a general idea.  

In terms of limitations, there are not much. Mainly, bad internet connection and not having enough computers for every student is the only thing that might prevent the correct use of this tool in the classroom. 

Here is a video about the listening part of the news (level 1)

Video:Car watches out for kangaroos - level 1,2 and 3

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

Plickers for learning new vocabulary

Plickers is a free application for teachers to conduct surveys and implement assessment. What makes this tool different is that students do not need any sort of device to participate. They simply hold up a special card with a code and the educator uses their phone to capture the code of their cards. The program is able to read the cards and give you instant results. This application was made by a teacher who was looking for a quick and easy way to check students understanding.

Plickers is relevant to language learning because teachers can asses reading comprehension, true or false items, grammar or the acquisition of new vocabulary in an easy and fun way. This is essential in the field of language learning because we as prospective teachers know that when students learn in a context in which they are having fun, they learn better.
Personally, I have used this tool in my previous practicum and the implementation of it was successful. In this way, I might use it in my actual practicum in order to foster language learning. I would do an exercise in which they have to find the synonymous of an English word, in order to improve their vocabulary. In addition, they are students from an 8th-grade level and most of them are very shy. Hence, they will want to participate and stay engage due to the simplicity of plickers. Besides, their answers are completely anonymous, which is motivational for them to answer without feeling ashamed or shy.

In terms of limitations, there are not much. However, educators who do not know how to use technology, internet or do not have access to smart smart devices might be marginalized in the application of this tool.
Finally, plickers is not only useful and fun for students, but also for teachers. This assessment tool let teachers check the students' answers in a simple and quick way. In addition, teachers do not need paper and pencil so as to do formative assessments. 

Here is a video about how is implemented in the classroom

  • Video:Plickers in the classroom
  • Channel:Jennifer Zurawski

Blog's essay

Nowadays, our lives had changed due to the arrival of internet, cell phones and computers. These devices are part of our lives and we use ...